하버드 및 옥스퍼드 연구자들에 의해 설립된 Sequoia Research Scholar Program은 재능 있는 학생들을 위한 멘토링 연구 프로그램입니다. 학생들은 이 프로그램을 통해 최상위 대학의 연구자와 1:1로 협력하여 독립적인 연구 프로젝트를 수행합니다.
Our students and mentors represent some of the most globally competitive institutions.
We are proud to partner with the University of California, San Diego Extended Studies (UCSD Extended Studies).
Any student who successfully completes one of our programs is eligible to receive post-baccalaureate credit from UCSD Extended Studies.
That's why we have over 1000 mentors from world-class universities excited to train the next generation of researchers.
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Sequoia Group
Tel. +82-2-569-5433
Email. [email protected]
Page. www.seqgroup.com